GSK is now offering BOWLING and kickball is coming to SUNDAYS!

About Golden State Kickball

About Golden State Kickball

A getaway from the 9 to 5....

“Golden State Kickball, LLC” was established in 2014 in Oakland, California with the vision to provide a positive recreational outlet for the Bay Area community.


We know how tough the rigors of the 9-5 can be. For a few hours a week we just want to get away and return to simpler times. Golden State Kickball strives to do just that.


GSK works with local businesses to establish a positive, home-grown niche within the community.


Are you a young professional who wants to expand your local network? Are you new to the area and just want to meet new people? Are you a family oriented person who wants to just take a break from life? Are you working for a company who wants to improve upon their team building abilities?


If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then Golden State Kickball is right for you…